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Thursday, January 31, 2013

NEWS / The "phenomenon" Lena Manda!

The Greek more commercial writer in recent years, with sales of one million copies, which gets angry when they call books her "children", who clouds when talks about George, Alexander and Maria, her family, who received the title 'Writer of the Year 2009 " by the magazine Life & Style, with books translated into Turkish, Albanian and Chinese, who do not like her biggest success "To spiti dipla sto potami", the professional who knows how to speak to people, the woman with the magic writing pen who succeeded to put in each home at least one book ...

Due to the opening of the first Reading Club of Police in Greece, Lena Manda attended Thessaloniki's Police Headquarters on Thursday 31/1/2013 morning and talked about her life and her work. The event was about her book "Theano, i likena tis Polis" published in 2005 by Psichogios, had a great impact to the people who rushed to meet the famous author and to sign their books. The author arrived at the venue with her husband, George, and her daughter, Maria, and after making a brief reference to her life from the first years in Constantinople, to her economic destruction and her successful marriage, she replied with pleasure to the questions of the people, and did not forget to mention her new novel to be released soon.

Lena Manda was born in 1964 in Constantinople, at the age of five she moved with her ​​parents in Athens where later she met her husband. From young she liked writing, at the age of nine she wrote her first fairytale. Her mother then bought her her first typewriter to computerize her manuscripts. Studied kindergarten though never worked in this field. At the age of nineteen years she met and two years later married the businessman George Mandas. In a difficult period of her life she returned to her old love, writing. And if then was a recourse, today is her favourite habit. For a few years she was working a puppet troupe that was playing stories written by her, as well as  famous folktale adaptations. She also worked as program director at a big radio station and also edited commercials. Today is mother of two children, Alexander and Maria. Since 2001 she published her first book entitled "Ti mera pou se gnorisa", published by Livanis, has never stopped writing and every year, in May, publish a new book. After the first success she "moved" to Psichogios and sincenow she released eight more novels and one collection of short stories. Her second novel, "Vals me dodeka Theous", released in 2005 and recently moved to the small screen, is her favourite one. Followed by "Theano, i likena tis Polis" in 2006, "To spiti dipla sto potami" in 2007, "I alli pleura tou nomismatos" in 2008, "Erotas san vrohi" in 2009, "To telefteo tsigaro" and the collection of short stories entitled "De mporei, tha strosi" in 2010, "Horis Hirokrotima" in 2011 and "Oso antehei i psihi" in 2012, while in may 2013 release her new book which describes the life of the murderous Dada.

As she declared, the first reader of her work is her polite husband, who reads them every night, page by page, who's joking at her that she's lazy, the days of not doing much writing.

Finally, those who accuse that she writes soft books and Harlequin, Lena Manda answers "I do not care if they say that Manda writes childish or writes Harlequin, so much I've heard..." and continues "People write a lot to me and say:  "I had never keep a book in my hands, and because of you I walked to the bookstore". If I'm a stepping stone for people to love the internal process of reading, let them say whatever they want."

The author of the mad sales, a support mother, a good wife model, a self-made professional, courteous, amazing, unique... Because Lena Manda foremost is... A HUMAN!

...by Odysseas Karamitros!


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